Ingrid Hernández
The Writer
Ingrid Hernández, “La Cartógrafa de Bloomsbury,” portrays in her literary essays the lives of one of the most famous groups of intellectuals, writers, and artists of the early 20th century: the Bloomsbury group. The writer Virginia Woolf was an essential part of this group.
As part of her literary creation, she describes and illustrates in a series of podcasts the conversations and everyday experiences of the Bloomsbury artists on the streets of London.
Her research on the work and life of Virginia Woolf and the Bloomsbury group, the City of London, and her own steps throughout London, will be reflected in a novel soon to be published.

When I became a London resident, walking around the city provided me with a unique perspective on the whole meaning of walking through a city with a purpose.
As I started reading the books, the diaries and the correspondence of Virginia Woolf and the members of the Bloomsbury group, which I reviewed at the British Library, the streets I passed by every day began to acquire a different meaning for me. The city was reconfigured before my eyes. I started to walk around London in a unique way.
This is how “La Cartógrafa de Bloomsbury” was born.
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